Il Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria del Politecnico di Milano è protagonista, con il progetto di ricerca 1000 MAD - 1000 Miglia Autonomous Drive, di una delle sperimentazioni di guida autonoma su strada pubblica più ambiziose di sempre.

AI-SPRINT: AI Has Become More Accessible
Prepararsi all’uso massivo dell’intelligenza artificiale, colmare i gap infrastrutturali e culturali e migliorare la progettazione e l'operatività delle applicazioni AI nel contesto informatico: sono questi gli obiettivi raggiunti da AI-SPRINT – Artificial Intelligence in Secure PRIvacy-preserving computing coNTinuum, progetto Horizon 2020 finanziato dall’Unione Europea e coordinato dal Prof. Danilo Ardagna del Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria del Politecnico di Milano, che si è appena concluso.
REALPATH: A Cutting-Edge Solution for Hadron Therapy
The REALPATH project, proposed by Prof. Carlo Fiorini from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, has been selected by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under the FISA (Italian Fund for Applied Sciences) call for proposals. REALPATH aims to use the most advanced technologies available today to develop a system capable of monitoring the effectiveness of hadrontherapy cancer treatment in real time.
WIDEnzymes: A Competitive Ecosystem for Enzyme Technology
The kick-off meeting of the WIDEnzymes project took place on April 12, 2024, in Riga, Latvia. A research unit from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, coordinated by Prof. Alfonso Gautieri, participates in the project.
BETTER: The Decentralized and Privacy- Compliant IT Infrastructure
Tra il 10 e l’11 aprile 2024 si è svolto il kick-off meeting del progetto BETTER (Better rEal-world healTh-daTa distributEd analytics Research platform), a cui partecipa un’unità di ricerca del Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria del Politecnico di Milano coordinata da Pietro Pinoli con la collaborazione di Anna Bernasconi e Cinzia Cappiello.
The Third Edition of Capstone Projects Has Concluded
On Friday, March 1, 2024, the final event of the third edition of Capstone Projects, a course taught by Prof. Simona Ferrante from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering in collaboration with companies to strengthen the education of MSc students in Biomedical Engineering, was held at the Politecnico di Milano.
AHEAD: The Project that Revolutionizes Networks for EV Charging
Prof. Samuele Grillo from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano is coordinator of the AHEAD (AI-Informed Holistic EVs Integration Approaches for Distribution Grids) project, funded under the European Union's Horizon Europe framework program for research and innovation.
6 DEIB Projects Awarded at the 2023 Switch2Product Innovation Challenge
Six innovative entrepreneurial projects from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering were awarded during the 2023 edition of Switch2Product, the Innovation Challenge organized by the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with PoliHub - Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator, and Deloitte to support innovative solutions, new technologies and business ideas proposed by students, doctoral students, researchers, faculty and alumni of the university.
EBRAINS 2.0: A New Phase of Digital Neuroscience
The European Commission has signed a grant agreement to fund EBRAINS with €38 million until 2026. Over the next three years, the research infrastructure – which includes the Politecnico di Milano as one of its partners – will continue to develop tools and services to widely serve research communities in neurosciences, brain medicine, and brain-inspired technologies.
REFINE: Phase 3 of the Telemedicine Project Kicks Off
Telemedicine, the ability to exchange highly reliable information in real time: this is the origin of REFINE, the project that aims to develop an experimental solution capable of processing and integrating every useful information about the patient during a surgical procedure.
MONIMEDS Wins the 2023 Edition of StartCup Lombardia
The MONIMEDS - MONitoring MEdical Devices for higher patients' Safety proposal by the team of the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano – composed of Prof. Enrico Caiani, Antonella Lombardi (Biomedical Engineering graduate student), Yijun Ren and Riccardo Gibello (Ph.D. students in Data Analytics and Decision Science) – won the 2023 edition of StartCup Lombardia 2023 in the ICT & Services category.
Cybersecurity: Google Selected One of DEIB's Projects
A team from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, coordinated by Prof. Stefano Zanero and Prof. Michele Carminati, in partnership with Università Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, has been selected for a 1 million euro grant as part of the Impact Challenge ‘Tech for Social Good’, an initiative sponsored by the Italian National Cybersecurity Agency and aimed to foster projects that use Artificial Intelligence for fighting against cyber-attacks.
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Do you want to stay updated on all the research activities, events and other initiatives taking place at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria of the Politecnico di Milano? Subscribe to the DEIB Community newsletter!